금속상패 쟁반상패 메탈상패

감사패 공로패 재직기념패 학교학위패 제작 SHINHAN 우드 은메탈 메탈고급상패

크리티 2019. 6. 17. 12:39

상패 회사감사패 공로패 재직기념패 학교학위패 제작 SHINHAN 우드 은메탈 메탈고급상패

※ 상품코드 :  CRT-MPA005300_1
※ 상품크기 :  240*180 우드 은메탈 고급상패

Plaque of Appreciation

Ms. Bea, Young Bong
Minister of SMEs and Startups
   This plaque is presented in appreciation for your great support in promoting good relations with GDC members. Your devoted contribution will be deeply memorized in our minds.

May 7, 2019